3D nano Platinum®が「痩せ菌」の環境を守ります。

機能性ヤシ殻活性炭は終末糖化物質( AGEs )を取り除きます。
過剰な糖が含まれた乳製品の過剰摂取は糖や脂質の弊害となるAGEs( 終末糖化物質 )を作りだしてしまいます。
身体に「 AGEs 」がどれだけ溜まっているかで老化スピードが違ってきますので腸内洗浄サプリの
「 カーボンフローラ 」はAGEsを機能性ヤシ殻活性炭により回収することができます。
AGEs( エイジズ )は血液中のブドウ糖が過剰になると人体の細胞や組織、臓器などのタンパク質と
「 カーボンフローラ 」による腸内吸着洗浄が新たな解決を目指して登場しました。
機能活性炭と持続型水素と3D nano Platinum®で先進的な除去能力

アプト株式会社 岡山 峰伸氏
ナノプラチナコロイド3DnanoPlatimnum のとても大切な腸の掃除と危険な肥満との関係
肥満は単に体重や見た目の問題ではなく、腸内細菌叢(腸内フローラ)の変化を通じて体内を循環する胆汁酸の化学組成を変えて肝臓に対して目に見えない負担をかけていることが2013年から知られています【Yoshimoto S. et al Nature 499, 97-101, (2013)】。食事、微生物叢とがんとの間の複雑な
この老化状態をSASP(Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype老化関連分泌型表現型)と言います。この老化は単なる肝臓の衰えではなくDCAが直接に肝臓の間質細胞である肝星細胞のDNAにダメージを与え肝臓がんが進行する原因となるサイトカインIL -6、IL-1βやケモカインIL-8を放出させ慢性的炎症に導く恐ろしい老化です。こういう危険な肥満の原因は脂肪食の摂取、エネルギーになる食品の摂りすぎです。
Clostridium 属に属する限られた腸内細菌種が一次胆汁酸をDCAへと変換しますが ナノプラチナコロイド3DnanoPlatimnumはClostridium 属を抑制してBacteroides 属を維持します。またアンモニアを吸着して便の匂いも改善します。
nanoPlatimnum 3DnanoPlatinum Colloid 3DnanoPlatimnum's Very Important Gut Cleaning and its Relationship to Dangerous Obesity Description
Obesity can alter the intestinal flora and the products produced by the microorganisms (bacteria and other organisms) within that flora can be significantly altered and affect health.
It has been known since 2013 that obesity is not just a matter of weight or appearance, but also places an invisible burden on the liver by changing the chemical composition of bile acids circulating in the body through changes in the intestinal microflora (gut flora) [Yoshimoto S. et al Nature 499, 97-101, ( 2013)]. It is only relatively recently that a complex mechanistic link between diet, microbiota and cancer has become apparent.
Obesity induces liver aging by altering the type of intestinal bacteria that transform bile acids produced in the liver into secondary bile acids (deoxycholic acid DCA and lithocholic acid LCA), which are repeatedly reabsorbed in the gut (enterohepatic circulation), increasing the concentration of DCA in the liver, which is considered particularly bad, DCA. producing bacteria account for only ~0.0001% of the total number of bacteria in the flora, but a large number of microorganisms (bacteria, etc.) in the flora are involved in a complex manner to accumulate high concentrations of DCA in the intestines and accelerate aging.
This state of aging is called SASP (Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype). This aging process is not just liver deterioration, but is a terrible aging process in which DCA directly damages the DNA of hepatic stellate cells, the stromal cells of the liver, and releases cytokines IL-6, IL-1β, and chemokine IL-8, which cause liver cancer progression and lead to chronic inflammation. The cause of this dangerous obesity is the consumption of fatty foods and too much energy-dense foods.
Charcoal intake not only directly inhibits the absorption of high-energy fats, but also helps to clean out the intestines by assisting in the evacuation of bile acids from the stool. In addition, charcoal has a myriad of pores, which adsorb contaminants and adsorb "substances considered harmful" such as food additives, heavy metals, secondary bile acids other than DCA, and AGEs.
When the discharge of bile acids increases, new bile acids must be renewed and replenished in the body because bile acids are important for digestion and absorption. As a result, the synthesis of primary bile acids (newly synthesized bile acids, cholic acid and kenodeoxycholic acid) in the liver becomes active, which mobilizes cholesterol from the blood to the liver as a raw material and lowers it, a nice bonus. In addition to this, the coexistence of nano platinum colloid 3DnanoPlatimnum lowers harmful reactive oxygen species in the intestinal environment and creates a healthy environment for the oxygen-sensitive intestinal flora.
A limited number of intestinal bacterial species belonging to the genus Clostridium convert primary bile acids to DCA. 3DnanoPlatimnum suppresses the Clostridium genus and maintains the Bacteroides genus. It also adsorbs ammonia and improves stool odor.
Some environmental substances are known to be carcinogenic. It is not easy to clean up these harmful substances on a regular basis in our daily lives. The awareness that you ate more oily food than usual, so you should take care of your intestinal bacteria a little bit today, will protect your liver.
It is known that suppressing the amount of DCA in animal experiments lowers SASP, and the same Japanese researcher who is doing the SASP study has reported results that are shocking even to experts, even though they were done on mice. When mice were experimentally exposed to a strong carcinogen applied once to the skin and then raised over time, the obese mice had a higher incidence of obesity-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Signs of SASP were also observed in areas of hepatocellular carcinoma that occurred in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, which occurs in people who do not drink alcohol, suggesting that a similar mechanism may contribute to at least some obesity-related cellular changes in humans.
Thus, obesity is a disease that should not be underestimated. Modern society is a social lifestyle that exposes us to harmful substances even when we try to avoid them. We hope you now understand that regular cleaning of the intestines is wisdom to control harmful changes in the intestinal flora and to make the microorganisms in the flora our allies.